Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day...

Now usually... i said usually I am not one t complain about valentines day but it seems this yeart to be going over board. I mean i am happy for my friends in love and with their boyfriends but COME ON!!! No more love gushy I just can't take it!  was talking with my buddy Rachel (yes i know same name... But she is like totally cool seriously that only Rachel i have been complete friends with ;) )and we both argree that today was made for single people to eat choclate! Any way... On to bigger and Better note... IT'S MY BESTIE HANNAH'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!! She has now joined the 17 club and I totally am decorating her locker! So life is moving along smoothly and i am happy to share goodtimes with family and friends! Oh and ofcourse your CHALLENGE well that one is easy. Its to tell someone exactly why and how much u love them... HECK TELL EVERYONE WHY YOU LOVE THEM!!!!

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