Monday, February 13, 2012

Ah Ah Ah Ah Feeling Alive, Feeling Alive

OMG... Yes i know i just used the silly dramatic OMG but it is so needed here! I just presented to Student Goverment at my School on my idea of Peer to Peer and they LOVED it! I am so excited and i really hope that this does somthing to change my little conner of the world. I am now going to make a open public Peer to Peer Facebook group and i am so so so so super excited to see this thing grow! Now to end with yet another Chanllenge today make someone smile. It could be a joke, it could be helping them with homework or picking them up when they fall down but make someone smile. let them have the happy feelings we all should hold near and dear! I'll keep you posted on my work and how the whole life stuff is working out! Thanks for reading....

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