Monday, February 20, 2012

School or Jail??

So it has been awhile and im super sorry about that! But it is like death con five with homework. All my teachers have hit me with the end of the term projects, papers, quizes, and even tests....  :/  If you think that you junior year is all peaches and cream you are mucho mistaken! Also this week i have been worried about family and friends. Moon had a allergy test this week and also a very small milk allergy reaction to FUSE. I am always worried about her having to go to the hospital because she ate something wrong! I love her to much for her to die! Also my Peer to Peer group is Rock Solid as ever i actually am so proud of them. My crazy theology project is done one thing off my worry list. Another thing off my worry list is my friend Hands and getting the tattoo she so wanted. It actually really pretty! BUT im happy she has it and now we can just go back to our friday night dinner date. Play is going great and i love the cast. We Feel like a family... sometimes! ALSO Boys are complated... Just throwing it out there. I also want to put in here how sad i am that i don't have publications next term! Imma miss Jweber. OH but i forgot I HAVE ENGLSIH! He doesn't get rid of me so easy. The other thing that Im going to miss is the SENIORS! I love them! Valentine is my poster buddy forever I shall not ever post posters with another person! So on that note the challenge for this blog is for u to talk with actually talk to someone you usuallydon't! It might make their day! THANKS GUYS!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What are Best Friends For?

Alrighty! So i need to make some shout outs to some close friends! People that will be brought up in my blog a lot!

That would be the one that knows it all! :) She is the best! We have to many inside jokes and have had to many moments that matter! No one could take this girl from me we have been through thick and thin! Shes Belizean and I'm mixed! Somtimes we get the common ARE YOU SISTERS?? We only wish! ;) 
MY FAVORITE CHEERLEADER! ;) She is the pep in my step someday! We met and our friendship has only grown over the years... She is the best theology Extra Credit partner ever!

 That would be my BIG TO THE SISTER! She has always been a great role model and i love her with all my heart! ;) She is a big ball of fun just like me and we never have a dull moment.
This is my cousin.... well not cousin cousin! We wish we were but we arnt.... We work together and have too much fun!!!

Rainbow Family! 
All of these girls mean something in my life i could not see living with out them. Each girl has touched my heart in one way or another.

Alright! That is about it! I want to put my peer to peer group in here too but we need to take a group photo first! Those are the people to look for in this blog and if you can find me in the last picture you are talented! BUT of course i have to leave you with my end of the blog challenge! Go a day with no make up no hair products you will be surprised the compliments you get! That's because natural beauty is ten times better then makeup! ;) 

Valentines Day...

Now usually... i said usually I am not one t complain about valentines day but it seems this yeart to be going over board. I mean i am happy for my friends in love and with their boyfriends but COME ON!!! No more love gushy I just can't take it!  was talking with my buddy Rachel (yes i know same name... But she is like totally cool seriously that only Rachel i have been complete friends with ;) )and we both argree that today was made for single people to eat choclate! Any way... On to bigger and Better note... IT'S MY BESTIE HANNAH'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!! She has now joined the 17 club and I totally am decorating her locker! So life is moving along smoothly and i am happy to share goodtimes with family and friends! Oh and ofcourse your CHALLENGE well that one is easy. Its to tell someone exactly why and how much u love them... HECK TELL EVERYONE WHY YOU LOVE THEM!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ah Ah Ah Ah Feeling Alive, Feeling Alive

OMG... Yes i know i just used the silly dramatic OMG but it is so needed here! I just presented to Student Goverment at my School on my idea of Peer to Peer and they LOVED it! I am so excited and i really hope that this does somthing to change my little conner of the world. I am now going to make a open public Peer to Peer Facebook group and i am so so so so super excited to see this thing grow! Now to end with yet another Chanllenge today make someone smile. It could be a joke, it could be helping them with homework or picking them up when they fall down but make someone smile. let them have the happy feelings we all should hold near and dear! I'll keep you posted on my work and how the whole life stuff is working out! Thanks for reading....

Friday, February 10, 2012

Great Week.. Everything from Peer to Peer to Super big sister!

To tell you the truth life this week as been pretty amazing. I have had a great school week and I love my friends. It's Friday and I have a rite (a big meeting thingie) for my girls group the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls tomorrow so i must hit the hay soon. But ofcourse i wanted to post here first. I started this new group with a select few of my friends for our school. It is called Peer to Peer and it is all about anti bullying and the effects of bullying on children. It will be real high schoolers talking to the kids they see in the hallways everyday. * which is totally true because your school is small! BUT any who I am working super hard on that along with the normal everyday classes and life. Life seems to be picking up at a fast pace reccently anyway. I have alot of things going which is actually kinda normal but i have: Peer to Peer, Spring Musical, Varsity Softball, SADD (Students Against Disructive dessions) , SWAG (Social Welfare & Awareness Group), and I have Rainbow and the boy version of Rainbow that I help with called International Order of DeMolay. Of course if that wasn't enough I have to help out the family and I work my swimming lessons teacher job.... but enough about me for tonight! I wanted to end with how i helped one of my dear family friends that is in 7th grade. MIDDLE SCHOOL SUCKS lets just get that out in open. BUT she needed a big sister figure and i was so happy to be there for her. So Yup like I said good week and I hope the weekend ends it all with the perfect closing. So as i end another post i would like to Challenge you yet again... this time play this anti- bullying game with some friends and maybe you will find at you too can take a stand to bullying. HERE ARE THE DIRECTIONS:   ·         play a version of Simon Says in which only some students will respond to each command.
o    Simon says "Everyone who has ever been called a hurtful name stand up."
o    Simon says "Everyone who has cried because of a bully raise your hand."
o    Simon says "Everyone who's had a family member with a sickness that makes them be look down on put a hand on your head."
o    Simon says "Everyone who has bullied others stand on one leg."
o    Simon says "Everyone who wants bulling to stop sit down."
o    Simon says "Everyone who wants to take a stand on bullying stand up"
Now Simon says "Everyone clap for wanting to change our school.'

Thanks again guys! Talk to you soon! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Life = Love

So another Thursday.... You would think that by now a Junior i would be a master of dealing with school test, quizez, friend dramma and the rest of highschool life but the truth is you will never be a master. No one can! The life of any teenager is way to rocky and unsure for anyone person to be the master pro at life. Now am i saying that you can't handle life as a teen a jump off a tree..... YEA NO!! Your life is too great and You have way to much in front of you for all of that no sense! So i issue everyone a Challange! When your feeling down just seriosly write down all the good thing an people you have in your life. Thanks guys... Signing off for now!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The begining

Who the Heck is this girl making a blog? Yea thats the question i asked myself! Life is to short to not try something so amazing! To tell the internet about my day and what effects me I think will be a great realse. I will be able to unwind and just share my feelings so if you like what your reading stay with me and read the next few things i come out with.